Návštěvní kniha
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Because of your work, I work with former soviet scientists to design and share online training schedules for athletes throughout the world. People are people regardless of where they are located; with dreams and the inner quest for knowledge. 20 years ago this would have been impossible. Even though the geopolitics would have still gone the way they had, the net has allowed us to be more than non combatants..we have become friends.
(Gordon_ch@gmail.com, 10. 10. 2007 9:02)Thank you for creating a blog. I hope you will take frequent moments to let us in the wide world know what you're doing with your time now that you've become famous -- and I hope you became richer, too!
(jumba_umba@aol.com, 10. 10. 2007 9:02)Because of your work, I work with former soviet scientists to design and share online training schedules for athletes throughout the world. People are people regardless of where they are located; with dreams and the inner quest for knowledge. 20 years ago this would have been impossible. Even though the geopolitics would have still gone the way they had, the net has allowed us to be more than non combatants..we have become friends.
(robert@gmail.com, 10. 10. 2007 9:02)I was here to complain about something, and after I read the previous comments it seems that I'm not alone. I don't want to receive emails in Italian. Please give me back my English content. I already restored the website when it tried to set itself to Italian, but I can't set the emails language. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.
(2baltazar49, 25. 11. 2006 16:03)stranka sa mi velmi pacila,len je tu trosku vela ruzovej
(www.alyssa-as-phoebe.estranky.cz, 28. 8. 2006 18:37)
hej ja uz som tam uviedla zdroj:-)asi si to nevidela:-*---))))a inak dikys moooczato,že to mam vdaka vam:-)))a ako si prisla ku mojej web???
(Evka, 18. 7. 2006 18:45)ahoj,nechces spriatelit tieto weby? www.newcharmed.estranky.cz a www.charmedcom.estranky.cz pa odpis
nelibi se mi to
(Ivetka, 27. 6. 2006 6:58)Ahojky,nechci nijak urazi enbo tak,ale moc se mi nelíbí nový desing líbí se mi jen ten obrázek,ale ta zelená barva je hrozná,vratte prosim zpátky tu růžovou to se bude líp hodit,děkuju,a máte moc hezké stránky dost často sem chodim,ahoj
(Lucia, 12. 5. 2006 13:00)Ahoj pod sa zapojit do SOTM na mojej stranke www.p3magia.estranky.cz
(Lucia, 2. 4. 2006 14:21)Ahoj spriatelíš? napíš na moju stránku www.p3magia.estranky.cz
(vika, 26. 3. 2006 12:11)Ahoj. POď sa zapojiť o web mesiaca na www.charmedp3.estranky.cz diky Vika
(Alyssa, 23. 3. 2006 21:48)Mám blog o Alysse nechceš spriateliť ??? http://blog.lide.cz/klaudia4 Pa
(Lindsay, 26. 2. 2006 13:57)
ahojky,nepsriatelíme? a potom,moja stránka ma 3 r v nadpise,lebo niekto spravil aj s dvoma r a niekedy sa to mýli...:o(potom mi napíš do GB,díkes
(vika, 25. 2. 2006 17:26)awojky spriatelis?? ak ano napis mi do g-booku diky www.charmedp3.estranky.cz
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(jumba_umba@aol.com, 10. 10. 2007 9:02)